

If you have an interest in beautiful gardens, then you probably have an interest in horticulture. The practice of horticultural gardening is what keeps your gardens, shrubs and trees, nestled amongst the softscapes and hardscapes, healthy and aesthetically pleasing. Gardens add value to your property. With my degree in horticulture and years of experience, I am able to assist the amateur and professional gardener.

Horticulture involves many aspects, particularly flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and turf. Many times, people ask things like, "What's the name of this plant?" "How do you divide perennials?" "What fertilizer should I buy?" "Is there a way of getting rid of those insects or vines without using toxic chemicals?" Your plants will be healthier and more beautiful if you learn to care for them properly. And you will have years of enjoyment -- not to mention many compliments from your family and friends.


Below is a list of the horticultural services and knowledge I can provide for you:

Plant Identification     I can identify common and Latin names for unique plants.  This is done during the consultation phase.  If you choose, an itemized list will be given when a design is requested.  Once you know what a particular plant is, you will know how to care for it.

Perennial division     Dividing perennials is usually done every 2-4 years to encourage more bloom and prevent infestations and disease.  I can show you how to do this with a one-on-one instructional session.

Ornamental pruning and Hedge Restoration   Pruning is considered "the lost art." Depending on the plant, size and time of year, pruning needs differ.  Overgrown shrubs and trees that are poorly pruned or never pruned at all can be a challenge and even a danger to the average home owner.  Restoring a hedge is a form of ornamental pruning which rejuvenates an existing hedge. I can show you the best techniques for individual plants with one-on-one instruction.

Composting     A good way to go "green" is to recycle your leftovers.  Almost all organic matter, buried in a cool and shady area and occasionally turned, will break down into compost. Compost is high in nutrients, oxygen and water-holding capacity, and it's better than store-bought cow manure, which can be expensive and foul-smelling.

Nutritional value     Every plant has different nutrient requirements to be healthy.  Environmental stresses or man-made stresses can deplete the soil.  Nitrogen aids in cell formation and growth.  Phosphorous helps root activity, so it's great for baby plants or transplanted trees.  Potassium plays a role in flowers and fruit.  Let me guide you in the nutritional needs of each plant.

Environmental stresses     The weather, such as snow and wind, can snap branches or kill the hardiest perennial.  Drought is a major factor in failure.  Excess rain or poor drainage areas can lead to diseases.  The salt washed to the sides of roads will burn vegetation.  I can't change the weather, but I can make good suggestions about hearty zone plants and your specific property needs.               

Insects and diseases    Premature death of a plant or tree can happen without a quick assessment and treatment of the cause.  By using a 20x hand lens, I am able to spot and identify tiny insects.  Some known names include: winter moths, Asian longhorn beetles, wooly adelgids, aphids, mites and scale.  Diseases, due to cultural or environmental stresses, can weaken or kill trees and plants. Daily monitoring and care is crucial.  Green methods, fungicides and insecticides, will be discussed.

Soil diagnosis and testing     Soil conditions affect the growth and overall well-being of the plant.  For an additional fee, a soil sample can be sent to a lab. Corrections to the soil will be suggested.  This process aids in preparing the soil for proper balance and planting.

Turf diagnosis     A lush thick green lawn feels soft and cool beneath bare feet. Many issues affect a lawn's decline.  Some issues can be prevented and controlled without the use of harsh chemicals.  Let me show you how to start a new lawn or repair an existing one.   

Light and shade conditions      Too much shade will cause sun-loving plants to die,  and too much sun will scorch shade-loving plants.  I can show you how to filter sun into a shady area, or create shade in a bright spot. If necessary, I will teach you the best geographical area to plant specific vegetation.

Invasive "Weed" control    Have you ever heard the expression, "It's only a weed if you don't want it?" Weeds are prevalent on properties.  They include perennials, grasses, vines and trees. Many are fast growing and aggressive and can take over a large area quickly.   Depending upon species and quantity,  management may require 1-6 sessions per year of removal techniques which include hand removal and/or by chemical sprays.  "Green" techniques, such as vinegar sprays, are useful only against very young and small invasive weeds.

Whether you are amateur or advanced gardener, it's worth it to hire an expert to manage your beautiful property transformation. I can provide every service, from a design you can execute at your own pace and budget to entire project management from start to finish. My horticultural knowledge and experience will help you decide just how much of the landscape transformation process you would like to do or have done.

Bringing together...

Horticulture, Arboriculture & Landscape Design